Alike is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martinez Lara and co-directed by Rafa Cano Mendez. They have teamed up with ex Pepe-School-Land students to embark on this new project. However, the fact ex-students form the team does not mean this is part of the school’s itinerary. It’s a personal project with former students.


Alike is a simple, quick and endearing short film. In less than 8 minutes, it shows, in a graphic and lively wa,y how we break the creativity in our youngsters. We do so every day, gesture by gesture, word by word, and absence by absence. In turn, this story offers us a good example of how we can help our children survive that trauma called “formal

(3 minutes) 5. 2 Mar 2018 One of the more poignant themes in your short film is the oppressiveness of monotonous work. What is it that made you be concerned with this? 13 Sep 2017 Alike, is a short film directed by Rafa Cano Méndez and Daniel Martínez Lara which was released in 2016. The film runs just under 10 minutes,  The short film Alike, created by Daniel Laro and Rafiki Cano of Madrid, Spain, may be viewed here: This short film is a wonderful   26 lug 2020 Short film Alike: la persona può scegliere di attivare liberamente le sue risorse e non è condizionata necessariamente dall'ambiente. 8 minuti  The latest Tweets from Alike (@alikeshort).

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It was dedicated “to our families, for helping us not to lose our color.” Without further adieu, here is the full version of the award-winning short film, Alike, enjoy! Dec 12, 2016 - You can now watch the beautiful, touching and thought-provoking short 'Alike'. The short film was directed by Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa  Jun 28, 2017 - "Alike" is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez SYNOPSIS: In a busy life,Copi… 21 Nov 2017 From Barcelona comes “Alike,” a short animated film by Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez. Made with Blender, an open-source 3D  The short animated film Alike highlights how society numbs our creativity, and even though no words are spoken throughout the entire 7-minute film, the  21 Dec 2017 Alike, a Pixar-like film by Madrid-based animators Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez, is a 7-minute lesson on what happens to your  Alike is an animated short film directed by Daniel Martinez Lara and co-directed by Rafa Cano Mendez. They have teamed up with ex Pepe-School-Land  This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Alike. In the lesson students practise using alike, adjectives to describe character and routines, watch  Watch Alike, an animated short film directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez. In a busy life,Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way.

Muzli Search is a tool for finding great design, illustration, photography, mobile, color palettes, and digital design inspiration.

Pero… ¿Qué es lo correcto? Discussion 1) How are the father and son alike? How are they different?

Alike Short Film Presentation SHORT FILM STUDY. PREZI BY PRESENTER NAME. Alike is about two characters, a father and a son called Copi and Paste.

Alike short film

In a busy life, Copi is a father who tries to teach the  Copi is a father who tries to teach the right way to his son,Paste. But what is the correct path? Animated Short films - 2D, 3D and stopmotion animations. Alike Short Film Presentation SHORT FILM STUDY. PREZI BY PRESENTER NAME. Alike is about two characters, a father and a son called Copi and Paste. 9 Nov 2018 An award-winning short film about creativity: ALike Directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez, ALike tells the story of a young  4 Mar 2020 The son spends his days among rows of gray desks & students; at first, we see him doodling imaginative drawings instead of doing his  Masks is a thought provoking short film by minds alike that talks about the adverse effects of social media on our mental health.

Alike short film

This is shown through the relationship between a father and his son. The father who has Alike, a Pixar-like affair by Madrid-based animators Daniel Martínez Lara and Rafa Cano Méndez, is a 7-minute lesson on what happens to your life when creativity is drowned out by the daily Alike is a short film about how we as a society, fall into the trap of doing what we think is right.
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Alike short film

Alike – Animated Short Film Alike est un court métrage de huit minutes réalisé par Daniel Martínez Lara et Rafa Cano Méndez.

But - What is the correct path?
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A short film called “Alike” was released and it’s message is simple Follow your heart, live your dreams and do what you love! Alike is a short animated film directed by Daniel Martinez Lara and co-directed by Rafa Cano Mendez. The short is a very accurate bittersweet look how life can sometimes dull us a little.

Alike is an animated short film from Spain directed by Daniel Martínez Lara & Rafa Cano Méndez.The short is about a father trying to teach his son how to live a unique life, only to realize how much society drains our creativity and originality. Alike Short.

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Alike es un cortometraje que ha sido galardonado en los premios Goya de 2016.En solo siete minutos este clip que ha sido publicado en YouTube deja una lección sobre el tipo de vida que las personas llevan en una sociedad que suele invitar a amoldarse a una vida monótona.

In less than 8 minutes, it shows, in a graphic and lively wa,y how we break the creativity in our youngsters. We do so every day, gesture by gesture, word by word, and absence by absence.